Off Road EVOC with The Driving Company. Scroll down for more information on our off road training and to register for courses.
It was so nice to meet you and the rest of the crew this past week. Thank you so much for the training and the professionalism you and the other instructors displayed throughout the week. I've been to courses where the instructors have such a high level of knowledge about a subject where they almost become unapproachable and have a know-it-all type of attitude. Your course was the complete opposite of that! You and all the instructors are clearly professionals in this arena and were completely approachable and helpful. I can say that I had a lot of fun each day and that I also learned much that I can return home with to properly train our drivers in Washington State. The course did exactly what I was hoping for in that it added clear skill sets to the concepts that I already understood prior to the course. Again, thank you for your time and it was great to work with you and the crew for the week. Feel free to pass this along to the crew and let them know I appreciated all their time and instruction.
Dept of Fish & Wildlife
This off road training course is designed for those who must drive offroad, but are not responsible for responding to emergencies. Learn to safely drive offroad without getting stuck or damaging your vehicle. Basic winch safety can also be covered upon request.
These off road training courses are scheduled on request. We can schedule a custom date for your group of 8 or more. Even if you do not have 8 students, contact us because we may be able to add your students to an existing custom date we have planned for another agency.
Topics Include:
Custom Courses Course Dates Available for Groups of 8 or More
Prices per person. 1-Day Basic Off Road: $330
4-wheel Drive vehicles available for rent:
$100 per day per student (2 students assigned to 1 vehicle) (limited availability- first come, first served)
You can significantly expand your response area once you have the off road training and hands-on experience you get in this 2-day offroad course. You learn how to negotiate different types of terrain, the concept of "mechanical sympathy" which will save your agency money in repair and maintenance costs, and you learn how to make sound decisions in offroad situations. We will discuss how to set up and equip off road response vehicles, and how to use various types of recovery gear. No other company provides this level of detail for Type III fire rigs. The course includes realistic scenarios. Lead instructor Dave Storton holds a Master's degree in Adult Education, and he has designed this off road EVOC course using the latest in adult learning methods. Our problem-based learning model uses realistic scenarios to deliver the best off road training you will find anywhere. Our instructors have extensive experience as emergency responders and as instructors teaching off road EVOC courses to public safety personnel. This is a very hands-on, interactive course. Our experts know that learning happens behind the wheel, so very little time is spent in a classroom; you will be out in our challenging and exciting off road training area. This course meets or exceeds the NFPA standards for driving offroad.
2025 2-day off Road EVOC dates
Topics Include:
Custom Courses Course Dates Available for Groups of 8 or More
Prices per person. 2-Day Off Road: $660 - Hollister Hills SVRA
2-day Off Road: $1,029 San Diego
4-wheel Drive vehicles available for rent:
$100 per day per student (2 students assigned to 1 vehicle) (limited availability- first come, first served)
Off Road Instructor Course
The 4-day Train-the-Trainer course covers offroad driving basics as in the 2-day course, but in more detail; recovery techniques, aspects of adult learning, techniques of teaching, course facilitation, dealing with problem students, remedial training issues, and safety considerations in off road training. At the end of the course the students will be able to plan and administer a basic off road training course for their agency. We highly recommend all personnel who are going to teach an off road training course attend this Train-the-Trainer course. We do not believe in teaching drivers in a classroom setting alone. Learning happens behind the wheel, out on our challenging and exciting off road training area. The Trainer-the-Trainer course is not intended to teach students to train other instructors.
Students will receive the following:
1. A sample expanded course outline that can be modified to meet their specific needs
2. A sample lesson plan
3. Sample safety guidelines that can be modified to meet your needs and meets the requirements to get your own off road course POST certified
4. A workbook that can be used in all your own off road classes
5. A PowerPoint presentation that can be used in the classroom component
6. We will provide ongoing support by acting as a resource for all your instructors
7. We provide lunch each day.
Topics Include:
Off road safety in an SUV or Wildland Firefighting Apparatus
4WD Theory
Ascending and descending steep inclines
Approach and departure angles
Proper tire pressure
Proper braking methods
Handling weight transfer in an SUV
Offroad Recovery techniques
Proper offroad vehicle configuration
Recovery equipment use and safety
Spotting techniques
Recovery scenarios
Emergency responses
Adult Learning Concepts
Instructional Systems Design
Creating Learning Objectives
Creating Learning Activities
Custom Courses Course Dates Available for Groups of 8 or More
Prices per person:
4-Day Off Road EVOC Instructor Course: $1,280 for Hollister Hills courses. $2,139 for San Diego and Oceano Dunes (Pismo Beach) courses. Tuition is POST reviewed and approved.
2025 Off Road Instructor Course Dates: (Type III Rigs Welcome!)
May 19-22, 2025 Hollister : THIS CLASS IS FULL! Complete contact form below to get on waiting list.
May 19-22, 2025 Hollister : THIS CLASS IS FULL! Complete contact form below to get on waiting list.
June 17-20, 2025 Hollister : THIS CLASS IS FULL! Complete contact form below to get on waiting list.
Custom Off Road EVOC Dates and Locations Available -Complete the Contact Form below
4-wheel Drive vehicles available for rent:
$100 per day per student (2 students assigned to 1 vehicle) (limited availability- first come, first served) We do not have fire rigs available to rent.
Scroll to Bottom of Page to Pay for Vehicle Rental